A few weeks back I was doing an anesthesia pre-op on one of my patients for the OR. She was a JW and had a photo copy of her blood card (not the full size pages of the advanced directive packet) in her chart. It was not the same card that has been used for years. It was a condensed, wallet sized, advanced directive with the same logo all the previous blood cards have (red & black, NO BLOOD, with the blood bag with the slashed circle). It had sections listing the blood components not allowed and then listed those one could accept or refuse (there were boxes to check yes or no if the person would take it or not), as well as what treatments (i.e. cell saver) would be acceptable, and it had a section that could be signed giving the liaison committee the right to review the person's medical records. Previously I had seen the larger full page version of this medical advanced directive with the power of attorney section but it also had the section allowing the liaison committee to access records. The fact that I see it has been made in the standard blood card is something I found new. This is the card I am looking for a copy of.
Thanks for those who replied. Keep your eyes open.